online api SIFE course details
All of our online API SIFE course options that are available below present the entire API SIFE Body of Knowledge throughout 7 interactive modules, lesson retention knowledge checks, terms & definition quizzes, reference quizzes, and timed practice exams.
All retention quizzes and 100 question timed practice exams provide immediate question feedback to allow the student to focus on reviewing areas that need additional attention.
Our timed practice examinations pull from a larger question bank of over 500 and also provide you with an experience that replicates the actual testing center exam. You will be able to attempt practice exams an unlimited number of times throughout your training.
Your API SIFE training experience is unique in the fact that we allow you to go through your training lessons in ANY order you choose. Start with a practice exam to establish your baseline, proceed through the module categories, or study the downloadable resource documents at your convenience. You are in charge of your training.
Worried about being left alone to struggle on a topic? Don't be. We provide each student with their own chat communication portal for each course section. Send an instructor a question and when they respond the system will notify you immediately. All chat conversations are preserved throughout your entire course access period for repeat reference.
Choose a program below that allows you study all the way up until your scheduled course date. By the way, all online programs 30 days and up offer a 100% training guarantee. What are you waiting for? We will see you inside!
All retention quizzes and 100 question timed practice exams provide immediate question feedback to allow the student to focus on reviewing areas that need additional attention.
Our timed practice examinations pull from a larger question bank of over 500 and also provide you with an experience that replicates the actual testing center exam. You will be able to attempt practice exams an unlimited number of times throughout your training.
Your API SIFE training experience is unique in the fact that we allow you to go through your training lessons in ANY order you choose. Start with a practice exam to establish your baseline, proceed through the module categories, or study the downloadable resource documents at your convenience. You are in charge of your training.
Worried about being left alone to struggle on a topic? Don't be. We provide each student with their own chat communication portal for each course section. Send an instructor a question and when they respond the system will notify you immediately. All chat conversations are preserved throughout your entire course access period for repeat reference.
Choose a program below that allows you study all the way up until your scheduled course date. By the way, all online programs 30 days and up offer a 100% training guarantee. What are you waiting for? We will see you inside!
Our industry subject matter experts have spend thousands of hours in the development and presentation of all our online courses.
Our student reviews prove it:
Our student reviews prove it: