Your Worldwide API 1169 Training Expert
The API 1169 Pipeline Construction Inspector Certification exam was released in November 2014. Understanding the pass rate among API 1169 test applicants was a very low 48.6%, in early 2015 we developed an API 1169 online training option that allowed individuals to successfully manage the 1,400+ pages of the API 1169 Body of Knowledge.
Since that time, we have evolved into the largest API 1169 worldwide training expert and have expanded our training options to include public classroom seminars and corporate on-site training programs. We know our experience is valuable in allowing energy sector professionals to focus their training in the areas of the API 1169 exam that they might struggle with, such as environmental regulations or quality principles.
We prepare you to succeed the first time and offer a 100% training guarantee. Our 8 year passing rate average is over 98% and we stand behind our mission to ensure you pass this required certification exam in order to move on and advance your career.
As an additional benefit, for the AWS CWI, all of our API 1169 exam training programs can be applied towards 40 hours of your professional development requirements.
Since that time, we have evolved into the largest API 1169 worldwide training expert and have expanded our training options to include public classroom seminars and corporate on-site training programs. We know our experience is valuable in allowing energy sector professionals to focus their training in the areas of the API 1169 exam that they might struggle with, such as environmental regulations or quality principles.
We prepare you to succeed the first time and offer a 100% training guarantee. Our 8 year passing rate average is over 98% and we stand behind our mission to ensure you pass this required certification exam in order to move on and advance your career.
As an additional benefit, for the AWS CWI, all of our API 1169 exam training programs can be applied towards 40 hours of your professional development requirements.
Your API 1169 Training Options
Online OptionsWe proudly offer current training material in access options from 7 day to 180 days so that you only pay for the access you need.
Classroom OptionsWe offer several convenient public 4 day seminars that also includes access to our popular computer-based timed practice exams.
Corporate on-site OptionsWe have catered to several U.S. & Canadian energy companies and offer custom and affordable training solutions ON-SITE.